How does Europe live?

Posted by on Jul 22, 2018 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Rising rents and housing shortages are a massive problem for many countries in Europe. Due to increasing urbanisation, changes in social structure and globalisation, Europe’s housing culture is changing – and yet it looks different in every country. The interior design label MYCS is now publishing an interactive map that visualises the living situation in Europe on the basis of various factors such as population density, intensity of housing development or overload and makes it comparable with a click.

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How we live is determined not only by our personal taste, but also by the culture and housing market in our home country. Where housing is scarce and small, for example, the furnishings are correspondingly efficient. In Mediterranean countries such as Italy or Portugal, on the other hand, open living spaces that create a connection to nature are appreciated. The Dutch also like it bright: missing curtains in front of large windows are not uncommon. A typical feature of a Finnish apartment: the sauna. While such a steam bath is regarded as a luxury good in Germany, it is a standard feature in many Finnish apartments. This and further information on the European way of living can be found below the map of Europe.

How does Europe live? The answer to this question is related to many factors – and is now answered by an interactive map created by MYCS. With the help of defined filters, the user can examine and compare European countries using 16 different factors. The filter options include topic-relevant influencing factors such as average rent per month, proportion of rented apartments, prices for condominiums, expenses for the apartment and furniture as well as overload and degree of urbanisation. The interactive function of the map offers the user the possibility to obtain specific information that interests him. These are visualized on the map with a click: it colors according to the value distribution of the selected filter. Darker areas indicate a high value, brighter areas a low value. When you select a country, the concrete value is displayed.

Below the map you will find information on typical national furnishing styles. Just as there are certain characteristics of German homes – such as the living room with sofa and TV as a social centre – in many countries you will find other special furnishings, colours or materials. Slovenia is also represented on the world map and gives interesting insights into the world of the Slovenian housing market. According to the MYCS world map, Slovenian households spend EUR 351.9 million on furniture. Interesting facts that encourage you to click. Come and take a look!

Your Otto, from Berlin.

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